Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rescue Mission

Seems to have become a routine around this time each year...with the heavy rains that had fallen in the river basin, our mighty river was fast on the rise...climbing over a foot an hour.  There I sat in the office nervously watching the radar and the USGS river gauge, seeing the river was forecasted to rise above the elevation of my trail cameras I hung earlier this month.  A quick phone call to dad and we were both headed home to load up our waders and head down to the farm to grab the trail cams before they succomed to the rising river.

The river was just starting to back onto our property by the time we got down there but was expected to rise another 6 ft at the time.  We had to wade through chest high water to get one camera, and after crossing the same low spot on our way back to the atv, the water had gone from still to a fairly swift current in 10 short minutes.  The river had just started to flow in that much more within the short amount of time.

Anyways, I managed to get the cameras home safely and snapped a few pictures on our way in and out.  Been playing around with the new camera and photo editing software so some of the shots are a little "overdone", but just testing the limits for now!

Oh, and now I know why I didn't find any sheds earlier this month...they're still on the deer!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Just a few pictures...

Just a handful of pictures from the last trip down to the farm.  Went to check on the wetlands and do a little post-season deer scouting...and of course let the dogs run around.  Took a brief walk through the woods to see if we could stumble on a shed or two with no luck...but took a lot of pictures of some of the damage we did with the chainsaws.  Replenished the mineral licks and put a few trail cams back up.  Turkey season will soon be here before we know it!

(click on the first picture and use the arrow keys to sort through the full-sized pictures)